How to Extend the Life of Your Tires

With inflation and rising costs, it's critical to save money! While buying cheaper brands of peanut butter may work, you don't want to skimp on your tires.

Simply put, you have too much riding on your tires to go the cheap route. Fortunately, saving money on tires doesn't mean purchasing the cheapest model. Instead, it's all about maximizing the life of your existing tires.At Girlington Garage in South Burlington VT, we regularly educate customers on effective ways to save money on tires. And it always involves certain tire services. Let's explore the tire services and best practices you can use this National Tire Safety Month to maximize the life of your tires.

Make Sure Your Tires Have the Right Pressure in South Burlington VT

The tires of your vehicle play a crucial role in the overall design of your vehicle. The specifications of each tire are determined by the manufacturer through extensive testing and calibration. Manufacturers establish recommended tire pressures by considering factors, such as:

  • Vehicle size,

  • Weight,

  • Purpose,

  • Drivetrain, and

  • Other relevant variables.

Simply put, the suggested tire pressure isn't an arbitrary number. And if your tires are underinflated or overinflated, it can lead to expedited wear. To prevent this, make sure to regularly check your tire pressure and ensure it's in line with the manufacturer's specifications. This simple step can increase your safety and extend the amount of time between new tires.

Drive Like You Want to Maximize the Lifespan of Your Tires

Did you know how you drive can directly impact the lifespan of your tires? In fact, perhaps no other factor has more influence on the lifespan of your tires than your driving habits. Here are a few tips you can use to maximize your tire lifespan:

  • Accelerate in a smooth and gradual way.

  • Avoid slamming on the brakes. It's best to coast and reduce your speed before relying on the brakes.

  • When maneuvering around corners, maintain a steady and fluid approach with your steering inputs.

By implementing these techniques, you can maximize the longevity of your tires in any driving scenario.

Have Regular Tire Rotation Tire Services

A tire rotation involves alternating the position of your tires to maximize tire life and promote even wear. It's important because each position on your vehicle will have a different pattern of wear. For instance, the front tires on a front-wheel drive vehicle will manage a larger portion of the friction and torque required for turning, braking, and accelerating. Over time, this responsibility can cause your front tires to wear faster than the rear tires. According to most estimates, the front tires on a front-wheel-drive vehicle will wear out three times faster than the rear tires.To ensure even wear, rotate your tires every 5,000 miles or with every oil change. In addition to maximizing the life of your tires, tire rotation can help keep handling and traction consistent across all tires to optimize performance and safety. Failure to have regular tire rotations and other factory-recommended maintenance services will result in you replacing your tires significantly faster and possibly putting you and your loved ones at risk.

Wheel Alignment Tire Services

wheel alignment involves the adjustment of the angle your wheels make contact with the road. Improper wheel alignment will lead to uneven tire wear and premature tire replacement. Wheel alignment services are usually suggested every 10,000 miles or as needed. For example, if you notice your vehicle is pulling to one side or has recently been in a collision, you may need a wheel alignment.

Tire Balancing Tire Service

As you drive and accumulate miles on your tires, the weight distribution will naturally change, which creates an imbalance. And when your tires are out of balance, they will experience faster and more uneven read wear. Fortunately, tire balancing services can help reduce this from occurring. During a tire balancing, our experienced mechanics will utilize a calibrated spin balancer to adjust the weight of your tires back to the manufacturer's specifications.

Contact Girlington Garage for Tire Services in National Tire Safety Month

Whether it's a tire rotation, wheel alignment, tire balancing, or other tire services, they all pale in the cost of premature tire replacement. However, the cost of new tires isn't the most compelling reason to have tire services: it's a matter of safety. And this is the entire purpose of National Tire Safety Month—to inform you about the simple yet essential steps for proper tire safety, tire care, and maintenance.

Call us at 802-247-7917, visit our shop at 2 Harbor View Rd, South Burlington, VT 05403, or schedule an appointment online.


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