Does Your Car Need New Tires? Here’s How You’ll Know.

A good set of tires can set you back quite a bit, so it’s understandable that you might want to squeeze every last mile of them. While many people share that desire, it can be a dangerous game to play if you don’t know what to look for. Once your tires wear out, they can no longer properly grip the road and could even pop unexpectedly while driving. But how can you tell that it’s time to get new tires? Here’s the most common signs that it’s time for tire replacement services in South Burlington VT.

Appearance of Bulges and Bubbles

When it comes to the health of your tires, bulges and bubbles are always a bad sign. Both unsightly and terribly dangerous, most bulges appear along the sidewalls.When this happens, you know that the inner liner is damaged and ready to blow. What you don’t know is how long the material will hold. This ticking time bomb could go off at any moment, so keep your speed low, park somewhere safe, and have it towed into a shop as soon as possible.Bubbles can appear in the tread, too, which indicates that an inner belt is broken. This usually happens after hitting a curb or flying over potholes. While examining the tread surface, you might notice a bubble the size of a gumball or all the way up to softball sized. Either way, it’s a sure sign that you need a new set of tires.

Metal Cords Make Their Appearance

Beneath the rubber layers in your tires are metal cords that hold the whole works together. If you can see these cords, you’ve gone through all your tread and are now driving on the inner lining of the tire. This could lead to a blowout that causes a serious accident, so tow your car into Girlington Garage for new tires rather than risking it with a drive.On a side note, if you notice that one or two tires are badly worn like this, but the others are not, it’s likely time for an alignment. If your car’s tires are not aligned properly, they will wear unevenly and at a rapid rate.

Tread Measurements Fall Below the Legal Limits

Even if your tires look decent enough, the tread may tell a different story. The only way to know for sure is by taking a quick measurement with a tread depth gauge. If the results show that you have less than 2/32nds of an inch of tread left, new tires are in your future.Don’t have a tread depth gauge? That’s okay. There are other ways to find out. Just look for the tread wear bars between the grooves in your tires. If they are even with the tread, then your tires are worn and in need of a replacement. Or you can bring your vehicle in to see one of our experienced technicians, and we will inspect your tire measurements for you.If you cannot find the tread wear bars, you can use a penny instead. For summer tires and all-seasons, flip the penny upside down and slip it between the tread blocks. If you can still see the top of Abe Lincoln’s head, it’s time for new tires. When checking winter tires, do this trick with a quarter instead of a penny.

Think You Need New Tires? Schedule a Visit to Girlington Garage

If you suspect that your car could benefit from new tires or you just want a professional opinion, come see our team at Girlington Garage. We are always here to provide the guidance and support you need to keep your vehicle in superb condition. To find a convenient time to come to our Burlington VT auto repair shop, give us a call at 802-247-7917 or simply book your appointment online.

Lara Dickson


Web Designer, Graphic Designer, former organic vegetable and heritage breed pig farmer. Bacon enthusiast. Avid (rabid?) Seahawks fan. Loves a project.


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